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Reviews for "escape from someplace"

Only 3 problems

1. you can be far from saws or needles and die.

2. whenever i tried to get past the electric part even when off (except once) it killed me anyways.

3. didn't warp me to another level on first level.

But besides all that it still is a really fun game to play. I like it a lot and give it a 8/10

squirtypants responds:

i'm responding to all of you...use the spacebar to advance levels....there are 9 of them...if you know how to fix the bounding box collisions so they aren't so big let me know...and there is some skill and barely any thought required for this game...also I'm making the flames invulnerable to obstacles for a little "realism" and to help with the huge box problem...this was my first submission if you didn't notice, and I didn't work on this game for very long at all...let me know about bugs to fix like the electricity thing and such...keep up the feedback (the useful feedback)

Not bad...

...but there were no instructions! :P or I couldn't see them! The game is good but I just didn't get t grips with it very easily nut the concept is there it just needs a little tweaking!


i got pass the saws and stuff but its impossible to get pass those lasers!!
Even if their not shooting

Nice game I'd say.

But have you ever played a game called "REAL LIFE"? You don't die from being half meters away from a saw.

ok game

Collision is really bad. I liked the music and graphics, but you might wanna consider fixing the rightclick/play bug. It skips your levels