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Reviews for "W23"

damn straight

this is damn good for one of your first animations. thank you for not making a stupid tweening stick figure.

cool, but tell me

Are you related to stan marsh from southpark at all.

by TheTomGod

Makes me think of The Matrix

That was a really good flash movie. It even had a little humor combined with a lot of action; a good mix of genres. Usually it takes a lot of violence or a lot of laughs to make it great, but it didn't need as much violence to win me over. How about a sequal?(Sp?)

Great Effort

As for being a flash animation this was great. The only thing I cant complain on is the ending. haha i want to see what happens. Other than that the sound was excellent and the storyline was fairly original. great Job for your first animation

Very good!

It was very well animated... My favorite part was when he runs and you expect him to go under the closing door, but then it closes anyway and he just jumps right through it, hahaha, I had to laugh out loud... !!! hahaha
