Ok first flash movie and everything but, the moo factor is way over rated. I mean just the concept of moo and moooooo and moooooooooo just anoying everyone uses it! Even the southpark aliens....moo moooooo moo moo moo moo moooooooo moooo moo mooooooo. ALL THE MOO'S AND COWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! Forward on nice flash movie, might need sound, and please for the sake of us flash viewers make better graphic's and effects before you post something else again. It might be hard to do now but if you keep making these, YOU WILL GET BETTER! Every day I learn more and more on Flash 5.0 thats why I haven't posted games and movies yet. WELL GOOD WORK! PS:Get flash 5.0 on a P2P program such as Kazaa or WinMX. If you don't you might as well pay $150.00 in american green. GOOD MOVIE! LMFAO