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Reviews for "SuperNothing2"

((( HAHA )))

This is kinda funny i chuckled at some of the parts in this, and it was an odd little animation, but good. The graphics are really good, and your characters are well drawn, i liked the way you had text in the corners at times just like in comics...

Good job...


ramonestheused77 responds:

Well thanks for the good reveiw. I think that this was much better animated than the first. Hobbes and I worked hard on making some great jokes for the script.


As always, it was really fun doing the voices for you. This should be on Front Page since the humour is so original and it's got a cool style to it.

Thanks for having me in your flash :)

-Eric (Hobbes_The_Prince)

ramonestheused77 responds:

No problem man... It was a pleasure to work with you for the second time. I hope to work on further projects with you.

Great Job

I skipped through the message with the 'if you don't watch the first one the plot will be fucked' and watched the movie. Not taking the time to see the first one. As I started watching this one I said 'wow?' and while I was watching it I was excited to see the first one. I immediately watched the first one and it all made sense. I really liked them. Good job on both of them and nice humor. <3


SuperNothing2 was sweet Corey! The animations were great and the vocie actors did a splendid job. I loved it and can't wait for some new movies or games that you make.

ramonestheused77 responds:

Thanks kate. You better be looking forward exspecially to movies... There are tons on the way.

Pope died... a while ago... uh... good movie

I liked the first one better.

ramonestheused77 responds:

First one is horrible. I'm surprised that you would say that.