Looks very promising!
I am definitely going to watch this series. Can't wait for the first episode.
Looks very promising!
I am definitely going to watch this series. Can't wait for the first episode.
Awesome, thanks.
I'm gonna get to work on it soon
Looks good kid!
I cant wait to see youre series just make sure its good or I'm going to hit you lol ^_^ Looks very good.
Yay nate You survived blammage !
great job my freind I hope that the series will come out like if not better than this
that was so funny
Awesome Nate!!!
I can't wait for the full thing to come out... I guess that I am kind of Bias because I am Noid's sister but I really think that it is great.
I hope you do more in the future.
Good luck in all of your projects.
^_^ ~Kasu~
Thanks Kasu ;-D
Yea, I'm working on the full thing right now, sorta a slow and painful process but I am working on it
and thanks =D