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Reviews for "ParagonX9 - Chaoz Airflow"


Alright, drums are extremely uninspired and repetitive. Synths all sound like generic presets, regardless of origin. The intro is very generic and boring. Buildups were weak, drops were even weaker. Boring synth melody in the middle only detracted from the song. Very little differentiation in the main melody.

Mastering is spot on, and although the song was mediocre, quality was pretty consistent throughout.

Listen to some stuff by Unknown Error, Spor, John B, SPL, Hive, Audio, Evol Intent, and Cujo.

ParagonX9 responds:

You, ph0ne and stimcrab are my best friends.
thank you =]

Not too bad =)

I think one of the things that sets you apart from the other artists here is your ability to mix, master, and your instrumentation.
Without that though, I'm afraid you would not be worth too much.

I find that with this song you've been very generic. The drumbeat is very straight forward, and not very diverse, although drum'n bass nowadays tends to have a little more texture, more diversity, and variates a lot more.

I also find that your transitioning is very generic, general high pass filters, and pretty regular sounding use of decay and cut off points to automate your instruments.

One of my key bits of advice to you is to experiment some more:

Diversity/originality is hard to maintain when you follow the same way of creating the energetic feel to your song. I believe the way you do this is through 'hands up' kind of loops, melodies, what have you. Try experimenting a little bit more with different ways of creating energy, it doesn't need to be hands up, incredibly fast melodies all the way through.

I'm afraid that after hearing all these hands up melodies all over the place, my hands are tired, and they're down. I've listened to a lot and after a while, I crave something that isn't what I heard with a few different notes just a week ago.

I would love to hear more going on with the bass, more automation there, not necessarily the generic d'n b reeses you hear on every other track. Maybe something acidic? Maybe something with an interesting bit of automation/lead in.

Also, try working with atmospheric FX. Don't just select your VEC samples and add those in almost every 4 bars or so. Have some originality, edit them, and, I'm assuming you use FL, try working with some different FL FX to see what you can do. The breakdown was good with this, although I would've loved it to be a little less based on lots of sounds at once to create texture. I'd like to see some more 'thick' sounding synths to build that up, but there are many, many ways you could do that.

6/10 3/5 - Impressive track!

You have good potential, and don't let my review get you down, I just like for people with good potential to not fall into the generic trap.

I forgot the artists full Newgrounds name, but he's on Newgrounds. You will find him somewhere under DJNB/DJ Nosebleed. He writes very original, very interesting Drum'n Bass (Blood of God being his best track in my opinion) and I would love to hear more like that from you.

Good luck with future production =)

- Brittany (Fierra)


Another Paragon song eh? Suprised i didn't see this in the portal when it was brand spankin new lol. None the less this is what we've come to expect from you paragon and you didn't dissapoint. It has a megaman meets SEX sound to it. Very nice on the ears. I'll be faving this Sir.


agreed with thief1337.

You're certainly not bad, PX9, but honestly, I don't see what all the hype's about. And it's probably useless for me to leave this review because I'm probably going to get flamed by all of your little fanboys (like asiangamer1029). Now I know it's DnB, and I love DnB, but jeez, it is repetitive. I was expecting something a little different after the relaxing part. Not that you have to do what I want. I don't care. I just think it would make the song better. Also, I think the bass could definitely be fatter, and the drums more clear. The bass is barely there for me, and I have good bass on my speakers. The bass sounds like it's glitchy... and if it is, that's not entirely a problem, but it's kind of annoying. The bass pattern could also use some changing up occasionally. It's almost the same throughout the whole song... I only hear two different bass patterns. I think all it needs is more sub, more diversity, and a bit more growliness. I know it's not supposed to be hardcore DnB, but mixing the two (melodic & darkstep) is great. So you should make the bass reesier. (lol i invented a word.) Now on to the drums. A complaint I've been having rather often lately. The snare sounds too high to me. It's got a very good hit, and I can certainly tell that it's a good snare, but some lower frequencies would make it even better. It just needs to be middier. (lol i invented another word.) The kick is good. The hihats could flow more, but that's not a problem. Overall, the melodies and stuff are good, but work on the drums and the bass a bit. Just a bit; I don't ask for much. This could be better.

Older songs like Defection were better, in my opinion. That song has hot drums and a hot bass. More like that would be great.


lol i can see it now, the next review: "LIEK OMG LEEF PX9 ALONEZ HIS MUSIKS R TEH AWSUM"

not satisfied

it sounds to reptitive like your chaoz fantasy, therefor i only give a six. sucks but thats life