No, not you, rtnario... but you're pretty damn close.
I've seen "The YuYu" long before hearing this- one of my favorite Brackenwood stories by far. I love the original song by Spider Stacy, and have been searching long and hard for a downloadable version of it on the fly-by, but THIS mix brings some new kind of bread to the table. Whether it's rye, pumpernickel or some other kind, I'll leave up to you...
What can I say about this that hasn't been said before?
It's awesome.
It's made to kick ass and chew bubblegum to (though I'm out of bubblegum).
It's friggin' FOLK METAL. Doesn't get better than that.
You're going to the good place after you die.
Though it doesn't fit so well in the Brackenwood universe, it brings its own unique freshness to a song that most people synonymously associate with the series.
And I like the few changes you made to the composition, too. Gives it that newfangled feel and makes it more than a re-instrumentation.
All my 5 are belong to this.
And yes, I was bored ;)
Boredom pays off when around you, I've found out.