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Reviews for "Ferrari 330 P4"

Dude you should work for the government forging photo's that's some amazing work. I just assumed it was a photo.. really looking at it up close the only thing that might give it away as not real is the tires but the body and glass are PERFECT.

great job as hard as i try i cant see how its not real

The car is obviously one of the best made 3D images I've seen. A slight bit cartoony though, but still real looking at the same time. I like how you edited a real photo into this and put it as the background for shits and giggles. Almost makes the car look real! Great job!

Below you don't have to be mean to that guy he just thought it was a photo.I also thought it was a photo so I don't care what you say.Just go somewhere else already.God...

Definitely not a photo, if you think it is, you are a retard with no sense of perception.

On topic: This is just purely amazing, making something like this in Blender is just awesome!
Keep it up man! This model is awesome!