I Bow Down to you...
You are gods (Including me)
I blow your bonch in greatness.
I Bow Down to you...
You are gods (Including me)
I blow your bonch in greatness.
you've made my bonch content
i liked it but now im confused because theres too many things that are like this, Lock leigon and clock crew... But out of those three i like you guys the best. i hope you can make a flash where you get the GG to belt up people who try to blam your work. that would be cool.
I'd give it an 11 if it went that low
Usually the Clocks, locks, and glocks get 5's or 0's, no one actually takes time to see if it was actually good or not. This flash pretty much sums up that we all make flashes, and they should not be given a 0 just because the flash is from a certain group. I have to agree with some though, making another group that name rhymes with clock and lock is kinda unoriginal...All my 5 are belong to this.
He, awsome.
Glock Group is the only one of the "groups/crews" that I really enjoy. I don't know, I guess I just like Glocks. And, SlimeManMan, I don't know anybody who doesn't know what a Glock is, so would you kindly, shove it?
Anyways, great job GG. 5/5