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Reviews for "A montage of DOOM!"



Nice For A First Try

I enjoyed ot. The mishaps of the stickpoeples is always fun to watch, but there are two problems. No sound and no blood/gore. If a stickman gets cut in half I want screams and red blood spraying from both halves.

Awesome B&W!

The animation was nice and smooth. Highly entertaining! It could use more sound perhaps sound effects. I liked the main character. Keep up the great work =]

((( CUTE )))

This was cute, it does lack some "COLOR" even just a little would help, and most of all some "SOUND/FX" that would improve on this greatly. the animation itself was very smooth which was cool...



this is better then most frame by frame movies..
however, it could of been so much better with little changes..
music and/or sound effects.. etc.
your humour is obviously fairly random and it showed, alot of things didnt make sense and took away from the viewing pleasure.
the highlight for me was the fire, it was cool looking.
i struggle with stylising fire but you did it well.