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Reviews for "Megaman's Anniversary"

Good animation

You have excellent drawing and animations skills, which made for a really good flash. Your Japanese, however...I'm sorry, but that was rather painful to listen to. You need to stay away from direct translations with a language like Japanese. It just doesn't work, and this animation is proof of that. Good animation, music was fairly well blended, overall everything was really good. Just...if you want to use Japanese, make sure you get it checked by a native before doing that again, cause that way it is now...well, you get the idea;)

bring it with broccoli

i think he did a pretty good job with the voices. i can't understand japanese but i watch a lot of subtitled shows... and this was horrible or anything. kinda added something i think.

keep on keeping on.

not too bad

your pronouciation is good but there were quite a few, well not grammatical mistakes per say but just, awkward moments in your Japanese...but I know you're a student so I'll give you a few pointers.

Megaman should say "chotto arimasen kedo....janakute jama suru na!" instead of "jama shinai"

and the doctor should refer to Megaman as his "shippai" instead of "machigai"....for example it would be pretty funny if Megaman was saying how perfect he was (kanpeki) created when the doctor suddently interrepts,

"iya, omae ga shippai da to omotta zo, saisho ni."

and a couple of other things I can't think of at the moment. I would really suggest reading some real Japanese manga to give you a good idea how the language is used beyond the classroom (or you can just move to Japan like I did...whichever's easier)

Put a fucking quality control on there.

Because tons of us CANNOT handle a high-quality movie of this magnitude. Set it to low quality, medium, anything but high. I took 3 points off the final score because of this.

7/10, 4 in the Portal.

Quimera responds:

It was at medium...


How could you?! Megaman dosn't brag about his victories! He does his victories for pride and justice! Since when did he came from a teriyaki recipe? I did like the part when Iceman pissed himself, it was funny.