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Reviews for "DEAD_4"

other dude is right

try and make it better and it would be pretty kewl, on some of the parts, it hurts my eyes lol

good job bro

nice just do a little work on the graphics and style but i like your im using the internet thing lol

it was ok

try to improove it, and it'll be quite entertaining

((( HMMM )))

Well it was ok "AGAIN" i still need to checkout the others, while the animation needs work, the music was the perfect choice, and flowed well with what was there of the animation...

More animation, more color not just in parts of the scenes, and make it longer...

A cute flash some of the scenes are ok but seems un-finished, nice animation...


Um...uh..well its.

I like the animation and the music. I wish I could give it a higher score but I'm not exactly sure what it was. I feel like there is an inside joke I am missing out on. Maybe I'm just slow. This is my first review of your work but I will look into other things you have done