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Reviews for "~'{Rivaura}'~ (SytrusMissions)"


Well, its been a month since this was up but I believe it hit me suddenly. Someone mentioned its a combination of river and aura but its more than that. I believe you meant its literally "the river of auras", or to put it in a different light: The source. Unless I miss my guess it seems like there's much more to come...
5/5, 10/10: keep it up!!!

Kid2Will responds:


Thanks for the water

I guess the powers are good too lol

lol what i am thinking ??

i guess the power is good for them in the begining but in fact the more power they gain the more bad they begin to feel.. so this new planet begin to be inabitable so like on hearth they begin to fight against each other and they separate into some faction that fight each others..
this is what i am thinking about.. you said it on the author comment.. human found a new planet to INHABIT !!! ><' they need to leave the planet cause they wont survive.. people begin to be more stronger.. they think water give a good effect on human but they still want more and more and more so everything crash ><'
whatever i just took a guess, by the way the song is very nice i like long catchy song there about like 4-5 song i listen from you and i want you to continue the great work good job dude

good song!

P.S based on Undone101's review, could this be a possible aura?

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