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Reviews for "Cryosis - FFX Otherworld"

thrash is always good

although u might disagree with me in calling this thrash and prefer to call it death metal, it stills thrash for me

Demonstray responds:

Hey thanks man!
Yeah, now that you mention it it's pretty much thrash, you're right. :)

i enjoy it too

i still like the original, but i would listen to this one right by its side immediately afterwards man

just frikkin sweet

Demonstray responds:

Thanks man! Yeah I like the original, the vocals have just bothered me for a very, very long time so I had to vent my anger into a cover song. :P
It means a lot that I can make something like this without people dissing my vocals and the lack of guitar solos. :D


Freaking Epic man. I think this is freaking epic. This is awesome...



The music at the very start seems very flat and I just don't get that feeling that I get when listening to awesome music but i got it later on but i will say it's pretty awesome and its easier to understand what they're saying
