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Reviews for "Animal Politics"


Something with a real message and valid point! WTF are you doing on Newgrounds.

Great Stuff

This is one of the best flashes I have seen in awhile, everything about this flash was great!
The music was awsome, it went along with everything great
The animation itself was amazing, everything was really well done, truely done by a pro.
The message was great, i agree with you man.
I loved it, keep up the good work!

finnaly something good..

scary to think it may happen (tho it can't)...
i agree, e must take care of nature, it's a beautifull and peacefull place, good for human and animals both.
if we won't be lazy go get up our asses and throw our garbage to the trash can while we're in the park, beach or even woods (we can take the trash with us, or burn it if u insist).
consider the nature as your home, u clean your house, so clean the nature to!
Mother nature isn't said for nothing if you get my point ;)


it very true and 1 day this polution will kill us if we continue this way, great job on the animation. i liky


F***ing loved it man! Keep up the good work! Especially liked the diskworld reference!