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Reviews for "Mr. Bitch"


It´s just a cool movie with really great music, yeah

Shit movie.

That really sucked!!! HAW HAW HAW!


I thought this was funny as hell to be honest.... yeah the graphics arn't the best... lack of story line... ahhahahahaha but it's funny as hell says me!!! and i'm not a easy voter hahahaha good job ;)

halboski... this animation is.. um, yeah....

hehe.. using the Rocky music was awesome. Also the perspective that the figher was punching at did look prety cool. However dont take this the wrong way but the style did look rather sloppy. i mean, you didnt use mixed gradients, there wasnt a story.. it just lacked major components that would make a more decent movie. but if what im reviewing is the what you were going for, then you did a good job. toodles.. /Flashed_MRG
(ps: that fart sound was nasty)

halboski responds:

Well, I did just throw it together, it was a lean as you go process. I have three movies on NG and I made them within a week of each other. I am (to state the obvious) learning flash. I like your objective and honest opinion. Any tips for learning flash just send them my way.

well, what can I say.....this eats a dick

whoa whoa....Surgen General's Warning: Watching this certifies you have no penis. stay away and hide the women and children. god save us all.

halboski responds:

Hide the women yes! I am married and I have 4 kids and one huge penis! I am however learning flash. It is ruff but I will submit somthing better once I learn the ropes.