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Reviews for "'Such A Busy Evening'"

That's hot

That was an awesome movie and it's a shame it didn't win an award. When Leek said there were movies that were only one vote away from winning, I'm guessing one was yours. Excellent storyline and use of comedy. The artwork was pretty damn good, too. I would have liked to have seen subtitles, but it didn't hurt the movie any not having them. Keep up the awesome work! {{{Beatnik}}}

BeatnikClock responds:

Thank you so much, this review alone will spur me on to make more and more movies. <3


You put waaay more effort into your flashes than joe clockcrew. Your graphics are getting better and I love your voice acting <3. Really funny too! Keep up the good work beatnick!

BeatnikClock responds:

Yeah, gotta love my attempt at an american accent. A friend of mine did the other voice acting but he didn't want to be credited.
Thanks Crust <3


Heil clocktober!!

I love you guys, And I was wondering, what do I have to do to make a clock account. Can I just make one, and then be part of the clock crew? Please reply.

W007 f0r t3h cl0ck5!1!!11!one!!1shift+one!!

BeatnikClock responds:

Thanks for the support.
I suggest you practice with flash, then you will find the ClockCrew.

Hello my good man

I am Mr. Fifen-all-clock-movies

BeatnikClock responds:

Nah you're that mouse with a hat.

Pretty Good.

i liked it. nothing bad about it pretty funny. yeah this derseves a five. nice and hope to see more soon.

BeatnikClock responds:

Thank you very much.