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Reviews for "TX2s Halloween Collection"

That was Hilarious!

I've been waiting to see some more of your stuff forever! I had no clue you lost your Internet connection, and I'd love to see more of your action figure movies again!

that was funny

THAT was funny when you were cracking on dora.


"Argh.. that was my good eye..." LMAO

Hilarious!!! 'Heie the Explorer' and 'Kurama's Thoughts' -HAVE- to be classics! But I'm curious... why was the guy's name 'Bridgette' and the kid that actually looked like a girl named, 'Brian'?

TX2 responds:

Bridgette has his name for the sake of Contrast, as for Brian, well she looks like a Brian, I guess.

"Kidding, or am I?"

Fantastic! This was fantastic, brilliant.

I am a huge fan of Yu Yu Hakusho myself, like your sis. And if I was her, I'd be proud of my brother. :D

you are still

very awesome
-always a fan

TX2 responds:

Thanks a lot. Happy Halloween