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Reviews for "Dont Dance!"


This is excellent. Great work with frame by frame animating. It's short but great. Nice choice of music. You did a great job of perfecting the blurr effect in this flash. Great stuff, looks swEEt! Please make more!

ShotgunFacelift responds:

thanks :P

Looked good, but too short

Graphics: These were pretty nice and I liked the style a lot. The drawings looked pretty cool and the animation was very good as well. Still, it would be nice if you added a background I think. Just a white background is kinda boring.

Sounds/Music: The music was not bad. I don´t say I really liked it, but it was decent. There were no sounds in this, which was too bad. The movie could use a few sounds I think. Like when that little guy is punched away for example. Maybe when you press the play button (the cross) on the menuscreen as well. The song kept on playing when you watched the movie again by the way. It doesn´t matter that much though, but you might want to change that.

Interactivity: Well the menuscreen also looked pretty good. Some nice colors you used, which gave it a nice lay-out. Too bad there wasn´t that much there except a play button in the shape of a cross (which was a bit weird in my opinion) and some text that is pretty hard to read. Perhaps you should change the color of the text a bit so that it is more clear.

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well in the beginning it looked like a very good movie in my opinion, and I was suprised that it got such an average score, but I can see why now. The movie is just way too short. Really too bad, cause it could´ve been a great movie if you´d only made it longer. It could also use a more original story. I´ve seen (too) many submissions with a guy that goes insane and kills people cause of nothing. Anyway, I hope to see a longer movie from you next time. If you keep the drawings and style the same, it should become an awesome movie.

ShotgunFacelift responds:

thanks :P

Needs more shit in the backgrounds

Who knows you make a sequeel or some falshs like that add more stuff in the backgrounds and u need to makwe a littel more sense! this looks like u just slap somesh!t togather! Biz atch

not impressive

Not bad work on the graphics and animation, but lacked an idea or general story besides "this guy has annoying music, lets punch him". More of a story never hurts a flash.

i dont know how you would improve this...

maybe having a point...I dunno...

ShotgunFacelift responds:

why is it that animations need a point? i know loads of animators on deviantart who animate purely out of boredom and without a story line.