Once again good job
I told ya i'd be back to see your next tutorial. And once again impressed. Great job :)
Once again good job
I told ya i'd be back to see your next tutorial. And once again impressed. Great job :)
ER.. did you tell me that? I don't remember sorry.. but iuts great you like it.
a useful tutorial for ppl new to NG
i think it was well worded and well made. the actionscript part could have been more useful tho but well done.
Wow, thanks for the great mark. I put in as much as I could in the AS but if you think it needs more then I might mke another with much more detailed Actionscript. Thanks.
pretty good!
Contains alot of useful info, i learned some stuff there.
Thats good, that what tutorials are about...
Oh god, a NG tutorial?
Tom: Ya know these tutorials have gotten out of hand when..
I was suprised you had all the lvls and whistles there..
yeah thanks. It took me along time to com pile all those facts, pcitures and files.
Now this is a good tutorial! Lots of mentionworthy subjects included in it, with a professional interface too. Lots of updates since previous versions as well. I like it, there's a shitload of things to learn in it. Keep up the good work!