protected!!!!!!!!!!! 5/5
protected!!!!!!!!!!! 5/5
Im reviewing this one, too!
Wow, that was some cool stuff. I liked the characters, they're very interesting. Good choice in music, of course. This is probably my favorite of all your animations.
Tornados huh?
LOL, she could had that tornado from the begining... but why would someone want legs when you can float around... well... guess I won't be able to know that after I lose my legs and float... maybe to her floating is boring? Or it consumes a lot of energy? she wants to be like everyone else? I dunno, you should though! I supose as I wonder the coolness of floating, she wanders the coolness of not floating and being able to touch the ground and feel the diferent soils... yeah... now I Know...
Very different
It's cool
I really like it. It's very cool.