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Reviews for "Return of The Evil"

This was pretty good

Well two problems here one is the size of the screen to veiw this. And the other is since there were there turtles from Mario. Why wasnt Mario there. But have to give you credit on the music that was so damn sweet. Where did you get it at. But all in all this was pretty good. Cant wait to see the next one.

Pretty good

It was much better than I thought it would be. Good music too. ;)


hmm another odd one, great graphics great sounds, but a bit of a rubbishy narration and a very shitty ending dropped the points down on this but i still htink it deserves to stay.


I did like the concept, just a few things bug me...
The Koopa-Troopa's wings are upside down, you could've used SOMA for this, and added an ending... even if it was the generic Castlevania one.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: dona eis requiem.
Holy Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world, grant them rest.


it was decent but it could have been a bit bigger too see and a better ending would have made it more interesting