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Reviews for "T3h 1337 Tr4nslat0r"

Pwns the other one

It actually changes some of the words instead of just the letters, good job.


l0lz, tis is t3h b3st 1337 translat0r i hav 3vah s33n (c0nsid3ring iv3 n3vah s33n an0thz0r 1 b3f0r3)

btw i had to do that in the translator. its very useful when talking to my friends :P

h0urs 0ff funn3h!

mayb3 i'm just t0 b0r3d but i hav f0und tis d3lightfully immusing.
i just can't st0p playing! dang i <3 wtf happ3ns wh3n u typ3
in n 3 w g r 0 u n d s n0lif3rs h0m3 any1 3ls3 find 0ut th3s3?
W0rld 0f Wannab33s w 0 w t3h 24/7 n0lifz0r gam3 r u n 3 s c a p 3


4\/\/350|\/|3 64d637!

tis pwns!

tis n0lif3 m0vi3makz0r pr0gram is aw3sum. i'm surpris3d it hasn't b33n f3atur3d 0n n0lif3rs h0m3 y3t. mayb3 cuz t3h ga3m isn't int3ractiv3 3n0ugh, what3vah. anyway, i'm giving tis a 10/10!