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Reviews for "-=Cupid=-"

Great Job

it has great art and the gameplay is awesome. story mode is odd, but good. keep up the work.

mofongo9 responds:

wow thanks


this game needs woerk on drawing censored sex and a lot of other things i can tihnk of right now thats bull shit

mofongo9 responds:

uh why did u give me a 10 then

good good...

it was good but give it more graphics


If you go home and hit a rock, you hit it till u lose lives

it was awesome with the couple and the... yeah


Hehe, I see I'm not the only last second entry to the Valentines thing. Isn't procrastination great?

Overall, I liked the game. Though I thought it was a bit stereotypical. Good luck to ya. ;)

mofongo9 responds:

lol yup i was up until just now finishing it up lol

thanks man it was hard not to be stereotypical. however, not to brag, but i think i veered off a little bit from the usual game of shooting random floating hearts, and went into shooting ORGANIZED floating hearts