I have never experenced an over obsessive fanboy. But I'm pretty sure it sucks, anyways, nice work. Fivened.
I have never experenced an over obsessive fanboy. But I'm pretty sure it sucks, anyways, nice work. Fivened.
haha thanks
Good stuff right there, keep up the good work.
thanks :P
Haha OMG
This is probably my favorite so far. You always seem to have me watching stuff again for background stuff I've missed. I kept wondering what the heck Cillit Bang was, but I found it on YouTube (go figure eh?). You haven't really had a fan like that have you o_O? Keep up the good work =^_^=
You're great at the humor. And what made me laughed, not hysterically, but when he went 'Roger roger, send in the banana feuled rocket monkeys' Then they came in eylling. Best and greatest part in any flash film ever!
Scroe: Great! XD (6/6)
i woulda done the same thing sorta
nice flash