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Reviews for "Bullet Bill"

two words CHECK POINTS!!!

I would kill to have a checkpoint, i cant stand replaying entire levels.

with that out of the way nice game.

very original idea. thats a definate plus, people tend to not be original (look at all the ng dress-up games and stick movies, not to mention random crap)

maybe for future games dont disable the right-click menu, people (like me) like to be able to zoom in and check out detail and stuff

umm, move the background and foreground at different speeds, throw in a little more scenery

and difficulty levels, slow, medium and fast.

See the thing is, simple games like this are ok, but if its going to be simple you have to put more into other areas, like graphics, options, easter eggs. you could have had the koopas in there, the guys with the black shells, fish. Just stuff to think of for the sequel, cause i know you're going to make one. you better.

Reflexes, Patience, Headache Prone

This was a lot of fun. Whoever said it earlier was right, does take some reflexes, patience, and not headache prone. All the background flying by kinda gives me a headache. Overall 8, only real suggestion is maybe give options for different music.

Flying Bullets is FUN!

I liked it a lot, especially because I´ve never seen a game starring Billy the Bullet as a Player! Those Bullets must´ve already felt pretty underrepresented, what with everyone ignoring them!
I wanna see a second part of this, complete with Mushrooms, different World graphix (I never got beyond the third world), upgrades, Koopas, Ghosts, downgrades, the whole works!

it was good

it was good except when u die u have to start the whole level again and that kinda got anoying


good but hard.