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Reviews for "Weed Harmless 3"

So true man...

Dude way to go man way to go.

fuck da pole lice(crabs and pigs both piss me off)

yea i think weed should be legal so i dont have to take the risk of getting shot or getting ripped the fuck off by some shit ass named will....life is hard without weed


HAHAHA this is damn good man

This is realy good, looks like alot of effort went into it, gj i look forward to a weed harmless 4


just like you, i have researched marijuana and other drugs to the extent that the internet and literiture will take me. I also currently smoke weed, and have done other drugs. I wish i had known more about them befor doing them. I also would like to be a voice in one of ur future cartoons maybe.....think about it


This is the first time I've actually seen an anti anti-drug movie :-P

I myself don't know much about drugs except that they have several effects on the chemical processes in the body. And I bet some drugs aren't that dangerous, there are alot of things that we probably consume that are far more hazardous. (fat for example, since it has the greatest lethal number in the western culture (stroke and stuff like it))
I wouldn't say drugs are harmless though. If you really know what you're doing and have enough knowledge about drugs I guess the risks aren't that high. But if you're an ignorant depressed brat just buying whatever from anything the risk is of bad consequences is probably alot higher. But then again, he might kill himself anyway.

In my own opinion though, drugs ARE bad. I couldn't care less about the people smoking it, but I think it's a darn waste of space that could be used for growing food or just preserve nature. Plus those who grow the stuff are probably used by the buyers as well. (not that they aren't in any other case but, yeah)

No to drugs, but not for your sake. That is my quote of the day.