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Reviews for "Weed Harmless 3"

two words... great job

ok... for the last guy that reviewed this...

weed does not cause cancer, smoke does. the author said those exact words in the video. if legalized people wouldnt have to roll up some marijuana in a piece of paper and instead could buy it from a store where, potentially, filters could be added much like in cigarettes decreasing smoke dramatically.

also, weed does not cause permanant loss of long and short term memory... and for that to even start it has to be used often over a long period of time. which can happen i guess but that would be as likely as a person overdosing on aspirin... which also happens...

i personally dont see how loss of income has anything to do with marijuana... they buy it? is that what you mean... or they lose their jobs because of it... either way... compare it to alchohol. it is a drug. people buy it. people abuse it. they dont neccessarily get fired for a couple DUI's...

As far as the cooking marijuana in food i dont know enough to post a sufficient amount of information to stack a good argument. you might be right in which case it is dangerous. but you have to realise that the marijuana itself could be maintained at a lower THC content or other limitations could be put on the drug if legalized to possibly prevent the problem from getting worse.

With the comparison of interracial marrige to the legalization of marijuana i believe the author was more connecting the two not as problems bearing equal weight morally but as to issues that were viewed as morally wrong and could possibly be reversed. the views on interracial marrige have changed and the same thing could happen with marijuana... point- we've made mistakes before

and your point about it being on your record for 7 years would not be a problem if this drug was legalized. it's no worse for your body than alcohol or the many poisons in cigarettes.

think hard about the benifits of legalizing marijuana. a safer drug, less health problems associated with it, less money going towards the benefit of drug dealers, more limitations and control over the audience allowed marijuana, more control over THC content, less money being spent on stopping marijuana... you'd be surprised how much it costs the US. more money going towards businesses and the government, a HUGE market in hemp, one of the most versitile plants on the planet. the benefits keep going on and on.

yes there are problems that go along with marijuana. yes we are doing things to stop people from using it. but it isn't working. if legalized the problems would not go away necessarily but they would not be as bad as they are now.

very nice

I really liked it. Pot being illegal... kinda doesnt make any sense. it's one of the least harmful drugs and its non addictive...well psychologically it's addictive but so is everything thats enjoyable...which unfortunately includes mountain dew. But just a little note...i dont like the way people act as if the republicans(mainly bush) are the ones who are so pro-war on drugs...it was Bill Clinton that really started the crack down, and the truth commercials are anti-tobacco... and are the only anti drug commercials that are any good. Dont get me wrong im not pro bush, or pro any political figure that i know of, im just anti-anti-bush


I my self smoke mary jane and i love it u should 2 and any one who hasent smoked it befor shouldent blow this off every thing said here is true well except for some exagerated parts about the goverment and ninjas lol but weed is harmless and fun and a great way to make u feel good so go to ur local dealer and buy,buy,buy!

It was great but...

There is one good reason why it is not legal, people are not responsible enough to handle that privledge. Trust me on this, I live in a small town where everyone thinks the only thing to do is smoke weed, eat, drink, have sex, and wonder why they have so much money going out of their pockets.

If people were more reponsible, I'd say go it. Weed ruins less lives than alochol, harder drugs, or even cigarette smoking. Plus, it is only addicting on a psycological level, unlike other substances.

Granted, just like anything else in life, there are downsides to it, but it's not the most dangerous thing in the world. I'm all for pot heads, it's their right to choose to smoke it and enjoy it. Maybe even raid the fridge completely.

Either way, I couldn't care less if someone did it or didn't do it, it's a person's right to choose, even if it is illegal right now. Not like anyone really follows the law perfectly anyway.

HAHAHA this is damn good man

This is realy good, looks like alot of effort went into it, gj i look forward to a weed harmless 4