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Reviews for "Weed Harmless 3"

Great series just a little hateful though

The series was great and the author makes a lot of very compelling points about marijuana. His data was presented in both an informative and entertaining way. As a political scientist I find that fairly impressive. The drive however to demonize Bush and Cheney though is a bit much. Remember some on the right favor legalization as well since it decreases the amount of resources needed by the government for enforcement and removes them from people's day to day lives. The author also failed to address some significant concerns about marijuana, namely its role as a gateway drug. This is not to say that all people who smoke move on to more illicit and addictive drugs but there is statistical evidence which shows that a portion of the individuals who start on marijuana do eventual contribute to the real problems of cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines. From this perspective the government has a point, though not as strong of one as some might believe.

For Counter points.. so none take this to heart..

This movie, is obivious to advocate weed, as well as inform, and for those purposes it does well. What I think it fails to introduce is the true danger of weed. Here are a few counter points that I have seen I would like to mention.

A: Yes, people do get arrested for smoking a plant. Mainly because almost all naracotics and other habit forming drugs are dirived from such plants. None of them that are street drugs are synthetically made, other then those administer in hospitals. Is it possible to get these? Yes, but harder.

B: Weed is not harmless for many factors. It is a gateway drug by creating a chemical imbalance in the mind and building up a tolerance. By building up a tolerance, you need a larger amount to get high or to have the same effect. Which means, people go to stronger drugs. Not all, but some.

C: Most weed is not straight laced when it come off the street. Nothing is grown straight, and everything has some type of chemical embalance. Remeber, weed messes with the brain and the brain hates chemical imbalances. To make matters worse, drug dealers often lace the weed to make larger amounts, lacing it with common cleaners and other additives, that can not be measured in easy amouts and have little, or no recorded data on them. Nor do the drug dealers care.

D: Why not to leagalize weed: It's simple, it's a gate way drug, that impares the mind, meaning that anyone doing it, like drinking can make irrational choices. Which can be dangerous for anyone or anything they come into contact with.

E: You can't easily overdose on weed. While this is true, I have personally witnessed those who had allergic and violent reactions to stuff laced in weed.

F: Weed is good for your health. False, weed has more tar in, ten times more, then cigarettes. It also, damages the frontal lobe, which is used for imiagary and creative thought. To create a high effect, the weed breaks down and metabolises brain cells.. The only type of cell you can't get back.

I hope these points do those, who consider doing weed some good. I've personally seen these things happen and have done my own experiments.


I have never tried any drug, and I think I´m not going to, but, do know people thata had gotten stoned a lot, they ARE good people, they even get good drades in school, I´m talking about college here, so I really don´t think this drug is the devil or something, besides In my country, México, there have been lots of violence acts due to big groups of drug dealers, I´m talking about the police involved and people getting killed every few minutes, and I don´t see this getting to an end just with good feelings or more policeman in the street, we need to legalize it.

Funny and true BUT....

The brownie mix isn't true... that's NOT the proper way of making weed brownies, reason being you don't put the marijuana directly in the mix, I can explain but I'd be writing a recipe, anyways your flash was good and I love the support (not too ME exactly) and I hope too see more in the future ^_^



weed should be legalized, its not good for you but neither is alcohal