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Reviews for "Weed Harmless 3"

Extremely Stupid..

yea, this is pretty dumb, trying to 'teach' people that weed isnt bad with your slanted/fake facts, (and irrelivent comparisonswhen theres proof that it is harmful. you shouldnt have made it shorts about how the government doesnt listen to stoners ect ect, but instead a few jokes about weed or something. i gave it a 1 cuz it was KINDA funny. but not really.

oh, and to the last reviewer, just cuz your stoner friends are 'fine' doesnt mean everyone will be if they try marijuana. its illigal for a good reason.

help me

dud i cant git it to play so srry for the low score. if u can help me plz tell me how the fuck im i sopot to git it to play. write back.

Hated it...

I hated this not because of its quality, but because of its content.

My older sister was killed in a car crash after being hit by a driver who was to high to operate his vehicle...

ya sorry, i just dont have the same point of view.

Uneducated potheads trying to argue is hilarious.


News flash: Human beings are not identical to monkeys. Sorry. Next you're going to say that since sharks can breathe in sea water that humans can, too! Hey, we all evolved from the same original creature, right?

Also, the marijuana used in lab tests is 100% pure. The odds of that joint in your hand not having tainted marijuana in it, slim to none. Many drug dealers (even your "best friend") lace their products with other addictive chemicals to get you hooked.

And just because the brain damage from 100% pure marijuana may happen to not be permanent in human beings, that doesn't mean the temporary brain damage isn't going to kill you or others.

Oh, and those people who think "it's a plant so it must be okay, God wants us to smoke pot:" Don't bring religion into this. The bible is strictly against using drugs to get high. By definition a drug is any substance with alters the way your brain acts. So don't try to get away with saying marijuana isn't a drug.

And Bill Hicks is just a popular comedian, brainwashing children with irrational jokes about how marijuana is harmless. I recall a routine my friend sent to me about him saying "You're fine to drive while you're high, because you're tripping so hard you're afraid to drive over 10 miles an hour!" Well, driving off a cliff at 10 miles an hour, is driving off a cliff none-the-less.

I only hope this tasteless video hasn't caused children to think marijuana is harmless. The author clearly is a bit delusional when it comes to the subject of marijuana.

On a funny note: Check out the reviews made by "pot users" and those made by users against marijuana. Grammar, capitalization, etc.

Case in point: "i used to be an asshole because i was really tense and all. now im relaxed and i find things funnier. its all thanx to yes i cannibis."


Behold your future, marijuana users! :)

When will pot heads learn?

When will pot heads learn that things like this do not further their cause? Go a head and say that all people who don't smoke pot are uptight assholes, but I myself do not smoke and never have, and I do not believe that I would throw a bowl of soup in some ones face for saying pot should be legal. So fuck all you stupid hippy ass pot heads and your stupid bullshit about how it should be legal and that would be the greatest thing in the world and solve all problems (because it would not) and stop trying to make us law abiding citizens look like assholes because we are not.