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Reviews for "the reason we are alive"


Mmmmm... sperms.

>.< that was awkward

hah, I shit myself when it opened the flash and then i thought to myself in those stinky pants that it's Dan ... why in the name of (whatever god you Worship)...

Very unnecessary, but hey everyone wants to have a bit of fun, or F*ck around everynow and then.

Good way to get the most amount of controversy on newgrounds about whats right and moral and whats wrong and dumb. You've been noticed.
Nice going ! :D you've made my day :P

<3(A faithful Dan Paladin fan) John


i was expecting some kind of educational or deep moving flash, but i love this, it's straight-up and to the point, now i've i got my fill of big pulsating testicles for the day


WTF!!! hilarious

Not quite what I was expecting, but pretty damn funny. That guy looks like if he doesn't get laid soon he'll explode. I gave it a 10 for violence because of the emotional and psychological scarring it caused LOL.


Wow that was graphic but sweet