pretty good
yeah nothing too new or intresting. very good music went right with it. add more i like it good luck with future animation.Fare well
pretty good
yeah nothing too new or intresting. very good music went right with it. add more i like it good luck with future animation.Fare well
its pretty awesome
This is really sweet. add on to it and goodluck in the future. and the character is cool by the way.
dont care how shitty a game this is, if its blamed ill kill the blamers, you cant blam someone whos tried that hard...this has got to have taken him/her like maybe a month!
awww... thanks a ton! it's not actually intended to be a game at all, just a fight move simulator =D
(it actually took like 8 hours overall [2 days])
Pretty good
It'll be better if you had more attacks or a dummy for the moves. The graphics were great, the song was great, and the animation was great. What bugged me was that you can't use the beam when you have special for a great summary, combine moves together.
Some powerful options with this.
You've got a real talent for Flash and drawing. If this is what you can accomplish in two days, I'd love to see what you could pull off with a week of work. Here's hoping you'll incorporate this into a game or interactive story sometime in the future.
What is that music? It's fantastic and I keep repeating the Flash to hear it over and over, hypnotising..