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Reviews for "Strain your Eyes: TWSM"


You used my song ;)

<3 u


This is very good. Even the sound fits and doesn´t make dumb loops or so. And it has many endings... and the extras... ^^


great idea


That was an enjoyable movie. Good job.
I would suggest that you make the alternate ending choices available before the titles. It's kind of a pain having to wait through the titles (even though they are short) to get to that option page. Also since each alternate ending starts with the same part of 'I'm sick of your figthing', you should include that as part of the main movie and have the alternates starting after that. It's rather boring seeing that part repeat with each ending choice.
Keep up the good work. :)


Good Stuff:

It was funny, and the third ending was waaaaaaay too funny.

Bad stuff:

The graphics aren't that good, and the style either. Also you should make the voices in audio instead of in text.
