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Reviews for "Paper ' Ish Conversation"

Over-all enjoyable, really creative

I'm no major flash artist, nor am i a critic, however i enjoyed this. It was clear you spent alot of time on this, and it is really creative. I love the microsoft sam voice, definately a nerd moment. The characters where cool, if i was you i would spend more time on the voices and make a series of episodes for this with a good story line, it could become a hit.

Kumquat-Lock responds:

Lol, thanks. This was sort of a simple test project, now since I know it works, I'll gladly make these movies with full story lines :3

Awesome work

Very enjoyable and a great addition to anyones favorite list. ;) Seriously though this was a very good short and I like the way you styled it as if it was done on paper. I really do love the credits music as well. Seeing from one of your review responses to another user I really do hope you make this into something more than just a short.


Kumquat-Lock responds:

It WAS done on paper... Anyway, thanks for the review. I don't know why I like the music too? XD But it's stuck in my head. It's only a short because this was more like a test run... I'll make my next movie longer.

You have potential...

...Such a pity you waste it on this stuff. Seriously, I think you should put some time and effort into a real flash with a storyline or at least better humor. I'm not a fan of the clock crew thing, however I have to admit you have a LOT of potential with your work. I just wish you would spend some actual time making something like this with a real point, rather than just a quick chuckle that will be discarded soon after.

Good luck in the future.

Kumquat-Lock responds:

Lol, I'm not much of a writter as you can most likely tell... I'll keep trying.

Oh no...

I gave it an Overall 6 because it's obvious your a good flash artist and you put alot into it.

Sound was so bad I couldnt watch it properly... It was really low.

I hate clocks so I usually dont watch them, didnt know this was one but well done in any event

Kumquat-Lock responds:

I write with my right hand.

Did you know that?

Back to the drawing board.

The animation and the style were great, I can see where all the time and effort went; however the dialogue was just too crude and juvenile, I'll make an estimate and say you're 14 year old trying to sound like stamper. He can pull it off, you can't.

You're simply too young for mature humor, next time let a grown up write your movies, there's plenty in the writer's forums.

Kumquat-Lock responds:

I'm 15 thank you very much, and I can't use cool phrases like, "Ass over tea kettle," anymore because I used them in previous movies, and I'm running out of original dialog :S