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Reviews for "Steve Irwin: Croc Heaven"

This was great

Very nice tribute to steve irwin. Very nicely detailed drawn. Great use of steve irwin's voice overs. Great use of perspectives. You did an excellent job with this. His facial expressions were drawn very well.


Hardcorecritic, I believe you are misinformed. Steve didn't mistreat animals, often he put his own ass on the line just to help one animal. He may have pushed the boundries a bit and kind of invaded some animals personal space. But it was his way of trying to let his viewers get close and personal and see the beauty of these creatures in the hopes that people would be inspired to help conserve the wildlife he loved so much.

I suppose it shouldn't have been a shock that he was killed by an animal, but if he wasn't amazingly good at what he did he would have been killed a thousand times over. Getting stabbed directly in the heart by a sting ray is just a fluke accident. Seriously, what are the chances of that happening even if you were TRYING?

R.I.P. Stevo!
Crocs rule!

Christmas.. you don't let me PM you...

What do you think of Christianity? I am a devout Christian, and happened to come across your "Jesus vs. Muhammad" deal, and just started to wonder. Your 'warning' text was interesting. The major reason of inter-religious warfare, as I have dubbed it, is primarily that we have so many different views about what is necessary to gain the respect of God, and therefore admittance into Heaven. Since it is a, well, pretty scary subject.. I mean, the Pearly Gate and the Pit of No Return, .. Kind of makes people want to believe in the right thing, you know? I, being Christian, do not fight with people of other religions. Neither do I try to convert them to Christ's side. I just try to be a Christian influence. <b>You can only help someone so far, and you can't force someone to believe something they may not want to.</b> Kinda defeats the purpose of the %u0633%u0646%u064A / %u0639%u0644%u0649 %u0627%u0644%u062D%u0631%u0628 %u0627%u0644%u0645%u0642%u062F%u0633%
u0629 ( Sunni/Ali holy War), doesn't it? Muhammad, in starting Islam, disagreed with Christians on how to gain God's respect, right? Somehow, he wove that disagreement into Islam as the Holy Directive to kill Christians. This belief is not shared by all branches of Islam, therefore causing <b>some</b> of the fighting..

Christmas, eh? It's pretty much the only religious holiday that has had to be "covered up." What does Santa, presents, and jolly reindeer have to do with the manger and the baby Jesus? If you ask me, it's probably the work of some (-forgive me for sounding like I'm from the Middle Ages-) demon, or the devil himself, that people get so far away from what this holiday is all about. It is about giving and receiving, namely, God giving and us receiving, and I see nothing wrong with keeping in the spirit and giving gifts to one another. I, including just about everyone else, prize that as one of the highlights of the Christmas season.. But the tree-hugger environmentalists' "I'm Dreaming of a Green Holiday, and Why Mention the Real Reason for Christmas" crap is about as close you can get to being anti-Christ. (Not <em>the</em> AntiChrist, just against Jesus)


Please reply dude!
And merry Christmas <:D

Steve Irwin

He was one of the greatest men to ever live and his how really did alot for us. We'll miss u Croc Hunter; and hope this tribute helps u live on.


Steve Irwin was once one of the most indestructable celeberties of all time, who worked hard to become famous, unliked airheads like Paris Hilton. He was one of my favorite celeberties and it's a shame that someone like him would be finished off by a stingray of all things.