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Reviews for "Endless Solitude"

I love it!

everything make me feel good and the music is great. very nice job

yeah :)

awesome song i like this very much !

keep it up :)




it is a good song but if you want a good good song try and use mulitple instruments that blend if you want it depressing try and make better use of a piano and make it slow but this one was a little bit to slow.
try and make a song that makes a person think and i write this review at the same time you made it. right now its very slow for me. also you made bad use of some techno sounds making them random and distasteful. try and make it emotional piano and then add a little bass and then a little tech but while panio is still playing and bass is still playing

Blueragebar responds:

Thanks, proto, for the tips. In future songs, I'll be sure to include more instruments and clean things up.

seems good but...

like the person below me the same issues some parts were just too slow and with the title endless solitude was kinda of a throw off since u started with the piano which i liked but then u added alot more things in seperate parts which kinda ruins the song try to keep it more blended together and try to use 1 genre for the entire song