Fuck Ea!
It was so damn funny & sad part is that it's true.
Fuck imperialistic pricks at "Ea Games" !!!
Viva la other development studios & once again Fuck Ea!
Fuck Ea!
It was so damn funny & sad part is that it's true.
Fuck imperialistic pricks at "Ea Games" !!!
Viva la other development studios & once again Fuck Ea!
Yeah fuck EA... did you notice what EA burped out behind the bushes ? That was Origin. Another game company just like Bullfrog or Westwood, they all got fucked up by EA.
EA is the worst thing on Earth, besides fastfood.
F*** EA! F*** EA!
Killerratte! ITS SO TRUE! You took the truth and turned it into a flash movie!
You are the first guy who ever wrote my nickname correctly... lol.
Yes, you shall use this flash to destroy the evil EA empire and all it´s fanboys... (well that´s impossible)
Hilarious rendition
I love the way you portray EA in this, it's quite hilarious. Also the way you expose the sheer stupidity and non-depth of the Generals story line is funny as hell.
What was that background music in the mini-gunner/fighter jet scene? I'd like to use that in an animation and can't find the name.
Thats from the Muppets Show... Manamana or something.
the truth!
at last osme one has the balls to tell it like it is!
oh yeah gd movie
Thank you
I agree with PandaBanana.
EA bought over WW and fucked up their brilliant tiberium concept.
Btw. Real C&C fans agree EA Games and Generals suck.
Nice flash you got here.