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Reviews for "On Water"

not my thing, but if you like overly cheery things then this might be for you.


Alright so Halo, before you go spewing your POS review, (haha making up letters is clever!) *cough* you should check out the artists other products before crapping your abominable shit all over the place, and reviews are a place of criticism not trash talk. Although this review is not about the video at hand i thought i'd take the time to criticise the reviewer, so that hopefully next time you run off your idiotic mouth you'll actually throw something constructive, besides if you want a flaw in your review this video is based around the music, which musical tastes vary from people liking rap to metal to beethoven, so theres no real way to say the song sucks because people will like it or they wont based upon their own musical tastes, as you can see i LIKED the song, it was simple, catchy, fun, and childish. Now im not writing this because of your score but your POS review, if you dont like it, you dont, if i like it okay... but that doesnt make the song good or bad... so and i know i'm not grammer pro over here but if your gonna have the audacity to insult something, at least have a wide vocabulary and write words correctly. My thoughts of the video were already listed in my long slander above
Keep up the good work dustball


this is not entertianing wat so ever i HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLAAAA horrible how are you guys giving this a 10 i meen reallly r u serius? its the worst pos ever (pos stands for peice of shit i made that up write now as i was thinking about how horrible this is... clever ehh) anyway the reason i gave it a three is the animatoins wer sorta good but... in a chhildish way its not like this Dustball guy is a animatoinal geenuis yeeahyaaaaaaaaaaaughhhhhhh guys rely its a song about boat on a water if a wer to make a song about a frog on a pond i truly hope you guys don't give me a ten. (facepalm) 4 ten really REEAAALLLYYY 4 TENS!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way those werid combonatoins of letters was me makein noses becuase im freakin out so if you've read this so far good for you i give the people who read all of this review a 10 scratch that i give them an 11


at starting i see the 'please wait. loading the loader'


I love all of dustball's videos. I can't understand how amazing animators like him work for free and produce amazing stuff when people in offices get paid to make cheesy video games that are about one billionth of the standard of the ng crew.