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Reviews for "( ellipsis )"

One Of The Best!!

One of the simplist and best games on newgrounds!!!

This idea had never been atempted before and im surpirsed you made this so shortly after making one of my favorite games (darkcut).

You are probbably the only person cooler than me.

Hats off to ya!


its a very good game but that music just annoys me lol. and the dificulty cud be harder :D but i hope to see a number 2

jmtb02 responds:

The game is programmed to become infinitely harder as you continue playing it, especially around level 50. Thanks for the review!


at first seem bad but after a while

it got better although personally it was like a 1 time game for me not replayablity 3/5

Very good.

I seem to like you that much more with every game you make.

Also, 25'th place. WOOOOOT

jmtb02 responds:

WOOOOOOOOOOOT! Thanks for the review, glad I am growing on you.


Look at the pretty colors

Your games are always innovative and gorgeously animated. Excellent work, I hope to see more.