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Reviews for "Cave Dweeb"

"Hey, don't call him a dweeb! He's sensitive!"

jokes aside, I really like this one. Nice job with the pastel brushes! :)

Thetageist responds:

Thanks! Don't worry, we'll hug it out.

This is actually something I find great when it comes to horror. Just the silhouette with a few defining features, it’s enough to make you think “That’s not right and I hate it!”

Thetageist responds:

Yeah! It’s a little bit of fear of the unknown, I think!

this just made me realize the cave dweller kinda looks like shadow Bonnie…

Thetageist responds:

That’s very true. Never realized that!

The art reminds me of a Petroglyph,


Me when I come outta my room after 10 straight hours of gaming

Thetageist responds:

Felt that.