That was the Best Flash Ever.
I don't think I've ever seen anything so AWESOME.
That was the Best Flash Ever.
I don't think I've ever seen anything so AWESOME.
Nice, Man!
Good job, "Quint"!(it feels wierd calling you by your alibi. I'd say your real first name, but I don't want to get you raped). Well, this is Alex Dyson, so you know. Yeah man, I could write a song for your next flash animation, even though you saiid your too lazy at Chris' house. See you on monday.
Thanks. Rape is bad.
good for it being a short submission
this flash has some good background music and the style and graphics are good i hope that theres going to be long episodes of this character
Oh, there will be.
looking forward to this
so i guess this is a trailer. in my opinion, your labor was not wasted in vain. i'm glad to see works of flash artists who work tediously for each submission not unlike the usual "blam-worthy" flash submissions. i wish you could follow this up soon. nice job!
Hopefully, I will.
very good
This was a very good trailer the animations were great the sound quality was good I'm looking forward to seeing more of this movie.
I just want it known, that none any of this content will be in any full movie. That doesn't mean that content that is just as action-packed won't be, though!