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Reviews for "My New GirlFriend"


The plot had potential, was well executed, a bit more exageration would definitely emphasise the humour. I laughed when he started crying, it was a bit lame, though i still enjoyed it. Good work, and I look forward to Hewitt, I didn't get to finish it, let's just hope Casper gets back from holiday soon ey? =D


my review!

hmmmm... Art is good, animation is good, voice over is pretty good but.......the humor is.....what can i say? its not that much... i wish i knew more about the characters first, if this is the first episode, then i suggest introducing the characters more, sooo the jokes will be better. anywayz thats just my critique.

Messed Up

I laugh at a college student who is so unable to cope that his mind gives way. Ha! That "Chris" was seriously messed up, and I'm surprised that he had any friends at all. Someone needs to smack some sense into the boy. With a Luger.
A good flash; I could definitely see the similarities to Griswold in the character design. It's just too bad we didn't get to see a hot girl . . . or even a real girl . . . Ah, that's right. The gravelly-voiced guy was fun; I like gravelly voices. And the phone bit was pretty good too; someone must have been lurking nearby with a camera and putting out phone-commercial vibes.
No serious problems with this flash; it's a good story about malaise and serious mental problems. I think to get a ten/five, though, it would have needed to be - ah - longer. For me, malaise is only good in heaps.

Well..good graphics.

I cant say it was my favorite flash video, but at least it was entertaining. I was kind of disapointed by the ending. A picture? Thats just kind of dumb. The movie builds up all the way to the ending. It would have been a lot funnier if she didnt have any limbs or something. But I guess "meeting her in art class" made sense.

But the short did have great animation and cool style of art. The sound was flawless. No violence, but thats not the type of animation it was anyway (same thing for interactivity). I found the humor bland, and somewhat vague. I guess its just not my favorite type of humor. Still, good short. Made me feel bad for Chris at the end.

Nice Technique... Joke was kinda lame though

hey... but what the cuff do I know RIGHT?