I like
It feels like this should be for a soundtrack to animation. I like it a lot and I think it will make a great addition to the album. I agree with Drespar, I'm not using headphones and the right speaker is louder. Other than that, amazing.
I like
It feels like this should be for a soundtrack to animation. I like it a lot and I think it will make a great addition to the album. I agree with Drespar, I'm not using headphones and the right speaker is louder. Other than that, amazing.
Thanks a lot, and sorry about the right speaker being louder than the other I never intended that to happen.
Sounds kinda depressing...Goes up and down..up and down..Could be good for background music
Thanks for commenting, we weren't really trying to get it to sound depressing though, we were trying more for a post rockish sound
Wazz Cookin
great job...
nice flow to it !!!
What the fuck is wrong with people.
Don't rate on quality. Obviously he knows it's shitty quality..
Anyways, the song is awesome. I hope you release this as just an instrumental and one with vocals when it's finished.. Can't wait to hear the studio version if it ever happens.
Very nice.
I absolutely love this. Now, I don't write reviews often, but I felt like I really had to for this. While there are a lot of other audio portal submissions that I've been listening to lately, this one is just my total favorite. I keep coming back to it. Calms me down for one reason or another. The low quality actually sounds pretty good with this, it must sound amazing at a better quality.
Well done. When you release an album, I'll be sure to buy it.
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it.