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Reviews for "Zelda: Donut of Shadows"

I liked it

I liked this flash and i hope you make it to the front page.I like the part when katrol told link all the other bosses said he was gay, and he told link that he was dumb lol. but i liked the graphics and style so im going to give u a 5 out of 5. great job!

Cosmodious responds:

Awesome! Thanks dude. It's nice to get positive feedback. Thanks for reviewing


Hey Cosmo. Real good. Thanks for my credits at the end like i asked. I'm definately makin a zelda parody. And look at graphics. They're on 10 cos well lol i helped.

Cosmodious responds:

*air guitar* thanks


I love the little limb less character...I made one except it wasn't that detail.. The graphics were great and there was some humor.

Cosmodious responds:

Kewl, I'm actually working on a sequal. I'm glad you like the limbless character(s) thanks for the review.

Very Very Good!

Smooth animation but graphics should be more fluid in design. I didnt dock you for that or the lack of sound. Just keep practicing man. :-P

Cosmodious responds:

Thanks, I will keep practicing and thanks for the review!

i think every thign u make is cool

I think every think u do man is so coooooool!

Cosmodious responds:

Hehe, thanks! I hope you keep watching and keep liking and be sure to tell me what you think I could improve on. Thanks for the review!