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Reviews for "Testing a new style"


i actually liked it, i wish there was more but i can understand testing somthing to see if it works with other people. i thought it was rather funny and quite entertaining, it style was really good too man and i no how it feels lol good luck with what ever your doing man i can't wait to see some more stuff like this


Don't do it, it's not a new style. It's been done a thousand times. You do it well, but it's not worth it. If you want to be unique just draw whatever feels good. You'll get something out of it. But for now, don't do that, too Cyanide and Happiness-esque.

irks-alt responds:

Of all the thousands of Flash movies I've seen, there are only about two that have a VAGUELY similar style. Anywho, thanks for reviewing.


Actually, the style was great! I like these kinds of cartoony things, and it was funny. Make something like this, but longer! Actually, I don't think this will be blammed.

i gave it 9, for what counts.

okay, you obviously know this is getting blammed, because its so short and pointless, so, for feedback on your new style, quite cool.
now let's see a full on flash with that style and we'll all vote 6 on 5!

irks-alt responds:

Well, looks like it got through. Thanks for the input, though.


good work,this is cool