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Reviews for "KAZAHANA: Beneath a Tree"

You always deliver talent.

The main reason I love your animations and series is the rare feeling of a brilliant storyline, something that always has excitement and confusion mixed about it.

This animation was delivered just the same, it was a rare enactment of poetry that was delivered so wonderfully through art. The visuals were great, but along with that your direction from camera angles and scenes, you showed what needed to be shown, and you did it so well.

Along with this, the voice acting. Amazing work, it sounded so in scene, so much in character and didn't die out from it. Whoever made the voices, has talent.

Anyway, another brilliant animation. This is why your series and toons are some of my favourite and always will be.

Great job.

Not fair...

That girl, her life so tortured, waits for someone to love her...and the person who does come doesn't want to help her, they just want the money. They don't care about her. They'll just kill her without a second thought...that's just not fair.

Excellent flash, the story and the music really tug at your soul. So sad...

Very nice, but there is one thing...

the one below me, animesomething w/e. you don't understand anything that this flash said... nothing that always how it is. its cause life is going your way no pains,no lonelyness,nothing in the world that would apply to you but, once in your life you will understand the pain of being alone that sears your soul more than anyother pain this world can bring...it not "EMO" its called life, I have tasted pain like this once...and its a scar that only one thing can heal, one person...just one who would just stop mabey have a chat thats all it takes. Great flash by the way :)

its been a while since saw this

a year ? nah anyway its always a little stuck in my head , at first look i thought emo and strange voice acting , then emo faded and the voice acting appealed me kinda . figured out its basic human desires really not emo or angsty ..heheh well this is the internet so doupt you'll get away with it but still , here's my longets thought -trough review award , yes there where better versions of this review in my head stating out why i came to like this but i don't really remember and if ' got to review this some day . 2 thumbs up says more than words right ?


this is an exelent beginning to a good story