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Reviews for "Patrick 4 - Vets"

Are you Seth Macfarlane?

Wow, you must love family guy I can by the way you copy his show in so many ways its not even funny. Well actually it is funny because its true! Remember?

StevieP3000 responds:

Seth MacFarlane didn’t create the concept of quickly going to another scene for comedic value, although he does do it ad nauseam. Other than that there is absolutely nothing similar to his work than with Patrick. Everyone writing comedy has influences; I think if you look at my other stuff you’ll actually find I have had a much bigger influence from Gervais, Pythans, Morris, Cook or Groening. Whom probably influenced MacFarlane as well…


All your animations are great but zi think Patrick 4 is the best of all the patrick eps. so far. SUDOKU!!!!! Nice sense of humour you have there and nice storylines and stuff.

That was funny

Very funny and original. "Who Can Bleed First?" sounds like an emo game by the way.

heheheheeh yay!

yup....it was guuud, no it aint like family.....ITS BETTER!
i liked it, entertaining mmmmmyes mmnnkay?
the ginger guy reminds me of a guy i once kenw......steve p..somthing he was an animator as well infact............ :p
anwayz well dun


Well that was a good flash animation i thought that the highlight of it was your character designs they were really bizzare and scary looking which was interesting to watch. The vet was pretty cool but my favorite character was the old lady because of that shake she had it was hilarious. The voice acting for all the characters were great, real solid performances. The backgrounds for all the scenes were also well done. Overall a very good effort.
