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Reviews for "My Opinion: Pirates Pwn."


I LOVED IT!!!!! i watched it countless times, could b longer but this is great, im going to tell all the ninja loving f*gs about this. (not sure if i'm allowed to swear, i don't want to b k.o (kicked off))

I Disagree

Ninjas pwn pirates easily! anyway this is cool, specially the style, good work.


Very well done, you kept the flash really simple but pretty much showed all there was in terms of comparison between the two types of people, it kinda reminded me of that moment in indiana jones when that guy was doing all the ninja moves and indiana just shot him, classic work. The victory music from final fantasy was well used. Overall a nicely done short.



That ninja sucks, any other ninja would own that pirate.

I chortled (that means laugh for you lowbies)

Its way too short but has a lot of potential.