lmao 13 years later and its still funny
lmao 13 years later and its still funny
so many mudkips
so much hate for usopp(maybe wasop)
that was. sooooo. wierd.
well, the sound quality could be better, thats a shame...
sometimes, the animation aint that good, but most times its the "good ol' crappy", a nice junky movie...
well, that apart, great stuff.. Im glad that here in Brazil there aint the 4kids version, so I dont even know how crappy it is :D
great work, hope ya can buff up that score!
This was hilarious. And I'm also surprised that I'm not the only one who's noticed that the singer for the song says the word "friend" oddly.
Awsome flash
This is a 10 in my book, i especially want to pointout that you use the color very well and add lots of flavor to this, very impressive flash love the color use. keep up the great work.