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Reviews for ""Be Happy""

Funny because it's random.

That's the best comedy there is.


Why do people keep saying your stuff is random? Every one of your flashes I've seen so far has had meaning to it... especially this one. You have an impressive ability of getting straight to the core of a deep message and expressing it uniquely and effectively. That's something a lot of people don't have, man, so make sure you take advantage of it. Great work -- hope to see another submission soon.


Well i was really surprised by this flash. At first i thought it was going to be a pretty dull flash because the backgrounds didn't look too impressive and there was little animation but this turned out to be a flash with meaning. I love how you have this character just go past all of those characters and have him not be fazed by any of them, i think theres a deeper meaning there for all viewers to take in. The song suited well with this flash and i loved the character design for the main person. Overall a feel good flash.


TheBeagle responds:

Yay! You're the only person here that enjoyed the flash like I wanted it to be.

Yes, there was a deeper meaning but I am not going to say it because that would spoil it.

Be happy mon!

Although this flash really had no deep meaning to it, it envokes a sense of peace and happiness. I think this flash improved my day just by the song.... so dont worry and be happy!

TheBeagle responds:

Why does everyone hate the graphics so much? Meh..

I will

Be happy, lol. I enjoyed that. Seems like you had fun making it too which gives off extra happy fib, good job :)

TheBeagle responds:
